COACHING | from Antonio Bene

“Knowledge processes are time-independent. They can occur abruptly or progressively.”

When I talk to creatively active entrepreneurs or artists as a coach, I often receive the following statement:

“My creativity is most effective under time pressure.”

But, what does that mean?

Certain people still need sustainable, comprehensive and behaviorally effective long term coaching. From my point of view, knowledge processes are time-independent; they can occur abruptly or progressively.

Nonetheless, motivated individuals in particular tend to break through a long-standing dysfunctional behavioral or thinking pattern during a one-session coaching session. As a coach, this phenomenon reminds me of the Greek saying of Archimedes of Syracuse, “Eureka!”.

Which approach appeals to you?

Learn more about our one-session-coaching.

COACHING | from Antonio Bene

“Knowledge processes are time-independent. They can occur abruptly or progressively.”

When I talk to creatively active entrepreneurs or artists as a coach, I often receive the following statement:

“My creativity is most effective under time pressure.”

But, what does that mean?

Certain people still need sustainable, comprehensive and behaviorally effective long term coaching. From my point of view, knowledge processes are time-independent; they can occur abruptly or progressively.

Nonetheless, motivated individuals in particular tend to break through a long-standing dysfunctional behavioral or thinking pattern during a one-session coaching session. As a coach, this phenomenon reminds me of the Greek saying of Archimedes of Syracuse, “Eureka!”.

Which approach appeals to you?

Learn more about our one-session-coaching.